HOME みわたす手帖とは?日本で生まれた
▼ここをクリック! 120年, 12年, 1年, 1ヵ月, 1週間, 1日 各手帖の説明と記入例

A System Notebook Made in Japan

    "When and where shall we meet next time?"
    The small notebook on which you record your promises or appointments with people and things you are going to do is called Techo.     In every April, the seniors who are used to Miwatasu Techo will tell the new employees that to having a habit of taking notes everyday is the most important thing in one’s lifetime. In this way, you won’t waste time at any moment. In this world, there are full of complicated and time-consuming things. A good Techo will make things impossible become possible and avoid wrongdoings. To be thought as a punctual person is the best way to obtain the trust of others.
    To use a Miwatasu Techo will help you to know what the important thing is in your lifetime. By this, you will get to the essence of things soon and won’t idle away your time. The Techo goods so far, just like the products or systems made by a company, are the tools which teach people how to use time one-sidedly. One more important thing is that nowadays no employers would like to employ those who cannot manage their work or troubles in life.
    If the elements of happiness are gathered together then happiness will appear in front of you and if you find the new conditions of happiness, then the new happiness is born.
